Saturday, March 28, 2015

My Experience Cloth Diapering in the Hospital

When I was pregnant with my first I entertained the idea of cloth diapering, and I really wanted to give it a try. Those G diapers seemed easy enough right? For sure husband proof? 
In a twist of events my first born was born 11 weeks early so all the little extras on my new mommy list were just going to have to wait including cloth diapering.  
Baby Boy 2 days old

Although, we did not start cloth diapering at the hospital we did soon after baby came home from the NICU! Well the rest was history we never looked back. Cloth was where it was at for us, convenient, cost-effective, fun and easy not to mention addictive in the best kind of way!!! 
100% Cloth Diapered Baby

Fast forward to baby number two- At this point we were full fledge cloth diapering ONLY parents and I was quickly gaining the nickname "The crazy cloth lady" I made sure all the nurses involved in the delivery of my new baby girl knew how important it was for us to use cloth right out the womb after some skin to skin naked time of course. 

In a turn of events or should I say "non" turn (baby was frank breech) I had a "gentle c-section" What's a gentle c-section you ask? Look out for that blog later. I still insisted that only cloth be used. Confused and perplexed the head baby nurse said "okay we will do what we can, we have never had this request before!" I sharply replied "and by do what you can, it's cloth or nothing?" Shocked by my reaction she assured me that they would not use a sposie on my new baby girl when she came earth side. 
Well I am happy to report that the nurse kept to her word, I even remember her saying "not that diaper, nope she does not want that!" When baby girl came she was placed on me naked and nursed while the closed me up. Then they wrapped a cloth around her bum tying it on in the most interesting way, clearly not having a clue at to what they were doing, gave it their best shot. 
Skin to Skin 

Baby Girls First Cloth Diaper

Later, after recovery and in my room my nurse came in as my husband was changing baby girls diaper and she stood there, starring as if she had never seen a diaper change before. She quickly noticed that I had noticed her confusion. At that point I realized that this was pretty unusual in nature, that something as simple as a cloth diapering could throw trained nurses off their game. 
By day three I kind of felt like I was at a trade show showing off cloth diapers, answering questions, showing different types, explaining how they work and how easy it really was. 
I was told I was the first mama that really cloth diapers in the hospital. They always hear other moms who talk about when they get home they want to cloth diaper... yada yada yada but never seen someone actually cloth diaper while in the hospital, fully one hundred percent. I couldn't believe it. Was I really the first, I mean the first in a LONG ass time? I was. 
Well their you have it my cloth diapering experience while in the hospital. Did you desire something in your birth plan write it down, stress it, make it important?
 It was pretty awesome I was kind of a cloth rockstar, and even though I was overwhelmed with several questions during my hospital stay I wouldn't have any other way because I really want to make cloth mainstream! And come on who can resist a cute little fluffy bum! 
Cloth Diaper Stash
Cute "Fluffy" Bum 

ecoCouture Baby

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