Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Po*p is NOT a bad word!

So you want to cloth diaper huh? Afraid of the "P" word. But you just can't wait to see your little cutie with a big fluffy bum! Well honestly who can blame you, cloth diapering is awesome. But every time you start to move in the direction of going cloth you pump the brakes and sit in confusion... You ask yourself "what about the po*p? 

Well, let me assure you you're not alone. Many parents who venture into cloth diapering ask themselves the same exact question. It's a very real and valid question actually. I mean babies po*p like all the time, I mean like all...the...time and they...are....good at it. 

When you decide that cloth is right for you and baby you will be flooded with fear  and so many questions but the main one is "how do I clean my diapers and get rid of the po*p? 
So okay I'm going to let you in on a little secret...po*p goes where po*op goes in the toilet. Yup folks I know right-total shocker. But in all seriousness the answer to your dreaded question is as simple as po*p goes in the toilet. 

I first off need to state that not all po*p is not created equal. So I'm going to break down types of po*p and what to do with said po*p. 

Type A: Meconium (baby's first po*p) 
• This is black or dark greenish black in color. Thick, could appear jelly like in texture.
• Rinse out immediately, into toilet. Could stain diapers if left for long periods time. 

Type B: Exclusively Breastmilk Po*p
•This is yellow in color and seedy. Runny and thin, think mustard seed.  (Variation will occur depending on mothers diet) 
• Exclusively Breastmilk po*op is water soluble. It does not need special treatment you can just put right in the washer.  

Type C: Formula Fed Po*p
•light to medium brown. Creamy and or tacky in texture. 
• Must be completely sprayed out into toilet before storing and washing. 

Type D: Soild Foods Po*p
• light to dark brown depending on diet. (Color can change depending on food ie: Orange (lots of carrots) 
Solid, Smooth, creamy to hard in texture depending hydration. 
• Poop should easily plop right into toilet. 

Now that you know some basics about po*p and how to correctly dispose of it let me give you some tips and tricks to how I make life a whole lot easier. 

First, I highly recommend two bathroom tools: 
1st: Get A Diaper Sprayer

This is sprayer that connects right to the toilet making getting rid of pesky po*p super easy. 
2nd: SprayPal
This folding 3 sided clipboard device keeps you toilet dry during spraying and snaps down to help you ring out the excess water. 

Secondly, I personally don't like stains so if you are like me and want to make your life even easier then get yourself some bamboo flushable liners. Not only does it catch the po*p and keep it from hitting your diaper directly you can easily just pick up the po*p by the liner and flush right down the toilet. You can also use washable cloth liners as well.

I also fight stains by using my magic diaper laundering weapon...Bac Out by Biokleen.  This is a live enzyme cultures & lime extract that you spray on each diaper to start killing bacteria and fighting stains while it waits for wash day. 

Well that's it folks. Easier than you think! Don't be afraid or the "P" word. It's not a dirty word it's just is what it is poop. So when someone asks you "but what do you do with po*p?" Just tell them "I put poop where poop goes, in the toilet of course. Where else?" 

ecoCouture Baby 

(Please note I have not been paid on items or companies that have been mentioned in this post.)  

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