7 Myths Cloth Diapering Myths
As my love for cloth diapering grew the more comfortable I was talking about it. Sadly, in my conversations I found major myths were hindering families from using cloth diapers.
So I think it's time to squash these myths once and for all!!!
Myth 1-
Washing cloth diapers will takes hours to do and I already don't have time for laundry.
Washing cloth diapers take no real extra time. It's literally one load of laundry. The simple fact is we all have laundry to do its a part of life and it has to be done. Wash routines for cloth diapers are not all that elaborate, and depending on the size of the load it should really only take you about an hour or two!
Myth 2-
My house will smell like ammonia and or poop!
Your house will not smell! In fact anyone who uses a diaper pail knows those pails can get pretty smelly. When you cloth diaper you will use a sealed wet bag to hold your soiled diapers in, and put poop where it goes, in the toilet!!!
Myth 3-
I don't want to use those diapers and pins with plastic covers my grandma used.
Cloth diapers have changed in a major way in the last 15-20 years. You can go "old school" if you like and use those type of cloth diapers, however their are now tons of easy to use affordable options for every family! This includes a hybrid cloth diaper. (This is a diaper that is cloth on the outside but uses a chemical free, biodegradable absorbent layer that just goes right in the toilet!)
Myth 4-
Cloth diapers will leak.
Babies come in all shapes and sizes and so do cloth diapers. If you get the right cut, with the right fit for your baby, and use the correct system for your family you should have no issues with leaks!
Myth 5-
Cloth diapers cost way to much money!
It might seem that way because you have to get your cloth diaper stash (about 20-30 diapers) all at once in the beginning. Remember you will use these diapers more than once and possibly with more than one child. So looking at the bigger picture you will be spending a lot less than buying pack after pack of "one use only" disposables. Let's not forget gas savings, because when you cloth diaper you don't have to make special trips just to buy diapers. "Ain't nobody got time for that!"
Myth 6-
It will give my baby a rash.
Most rashes come about because of a combination of things such as; chemicals, non-breathable material, moistness, and baby chemistry. When you cloth diaper you eliminate just about all those factors! In fact when you use natural materials like wool you are adding a helping factor. (Wool is slightly antibacterial.)
Myth 7-
I will have to change my baby's diaper more often.
How often you change your baby is up to you and well your baby too. Some babies are heavy wetters and need to be changed every couple of hours while some are not and you can go a few hours without a diaper change. This rings true for disposables and for cloth diapers.
Myths squashed!
I really hope I cleared up some of the myths and the stigma surrounding the cloth diapering world! Give it a try! Who knows you just might love it!!! We sure do!!! So much so I could just sing about it!!!
(Picture from DrMomma.org) Check out this peaceful parenting blog.
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