Part 1
What do you think of when you hear "cloth diapers?" I'm sure it's not what you think!
Now as I stated in my last post the idea to go with cloth diapers was pretty much made for me. However, I was still reluctant to it. I heard nothing but old facts, and horror stories, and let's just say navigating through the internet to try to find current information can be a bit overwhelming especially if you have no clue where to even began. But I knew I had to do it, I had to jump right into the deep in of the cloth diapering world to give my baby's bum serious refuge from disposables.
I will be the first to tell you my first mistake was asking my elders for help,(not so good) not because they were not wise but because their perspective was outdated and things had changed drastically over the last 10,20,30,40,50+ years.
My second mistake was letting everyone who was negative and judgmental voice their two cents in my decision this included society (who by the way just don't get and probably never will) get in my head.
My third mistake was assuming their was only one type of cloth diapers available. Again, so very wrong. (So many brands, cuts, styles, prints,ect. something for everyone!)
Um, yeah I will not sugar coat it "going cloth" is a journey, one that takes patience, support and knowledge. However, once you figure it out you will be asking yourself why did I wait so long. Remember diapers are not forever, so you only get a short while to dress up those fluffy bums. Take it from me with potty training around the corner I feel a sort of sadness that soon I won't be getting fluff mail anymore or dressing up my handsome in just a hipster tee and matching diaper to run around it.
For cloth diaper YouTube videos, more information and to contact me please visit.
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ecoCouture Baby
No Littles in our house.... yet! But it's already been decided that this will be a cloth diapering household. Thank you for all this info. You really inspired me to research and get excited about my future fluffy butts!