7 things every new mother should know!
Per request of a soon to be new mother an ecoCouture Baby fan wanted to know, how it will be having a newborn?
So here is a list of 7 things that you should always keep in mind.
1- You Are a NEW Mother
Yup that's right you are new at this, so don't expect to have all the answers or to even really be prepared. Every baby is different with different needs. Also every family is different with different ways of parenting. You know the old joke our parents use to say "you didn't come home with an instruction manual." Well, it's true you didn't and well babies don't. You kind of just figure it out along the way. And above all if your doing your best then you are being the best mother! Which brings me to number 2.
2- Do You Boo
Everyone and I mean EVERYONE will give their two cents and advise on what works for them or what worked for their baby. But ultimately do you. My advice however, is to be open. Open to hear new things, and try new things. How do you know if it will work unless you give it a whirl. Bringing us to number 3!
3- Not All Negative Tales Are Truly Negative
What I mean by this is, if someone had a bad experience with a product or method that does not mean you will. In fact in my own experience I have found many times one persons bad perspective was brilliantly a God send for me.
3- Brestfeeding is HARD
Anyone who has ever breastfed will probably agree it takes FULL COMMITMENT and DEDICATION. It's not easy, at first it hurts, your more hungry and thirsty. It takes up all your time. You have to make sure you wear breastfeeding clothes like always. You will be feeding around the clock, and yes you are on a 24 hour breastfeeding schedule. Now with all that being said you need support. Tell people who will be around you that this is something you are wanting to do and it's important to you and the baby that you are supported. Example for me it was just to much for me to breastfeed and wash and dry all the pump stuff too, all while taking care of my baby. So my husband did that among other things. Ask for support because you will need it. Also, know their are some who no matter how much they want to breastfed they just don't produce enough milk. Don't give up give a good try for a month while supplementing and if you can't at lease you tried and their is no shame in that!
4- Don't Stress About The Mess
You will find by day 7 or 8 your whole house will be turned inside out ,heck you might be turned inside out. But its ok your main focus is your baby, and it should be. However, find time to take a bath or shower because something so simple will make you feel like a million bucks. But keep in mind things that take you 30 minutes to do now (like change a diaper and outfit) will soon take you 5 minutes. So don't worry you will get back to normalcy!
5-Give Yourself a Break
Everyone knows you are new at this, including your baby. So if he/she cry they don't hate you your not a horrible mother.(your hormones can make you feel that way) You are just a NEW one. And soon enough you will be able to figure out what every sound and cry means and tend to their needs with out even thinking twice. With that being said...
6- Keep Track, Take Notes, Lots of Pictures
Yes, keep a log of when baby peed, poo'd, burped, ate, slept and for how long. You will not be able to remember your brain will be tired so write it all down for reference. It's not forever but do it till you feel confident and know your babies quarks, needs, and wants. Take notes on your baby when they first looked at you, smiled ect again with sleep deprivation don't rely on your once iron clad memory. Also, take lots of pictures a day I mean lots, like 100s. You will be so happy you did when you get to their first birthday and can look back on the days that are just a blur by then. And finally...
7- Enjoy That Baby
Make sure among all the chaos that you stop and enjoy your baby. Kiss, hug, snuggle, and love on that baby! Enjoy the moment. Stop and recognize the milestones, look at the little differences of your baby everyday. Why rush them to grow up. Enjoy the age and stage they are at now, this is such a short time in their life and you should enjoy every moment of it. You will have your favorite stage of course, but every stage is different and important and should be recognized and enjoyed.
I hope this eases some new mothers minds and helps them gain confidence in there mothering abilities!
ecoCouture Baby
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